Page 145 - 2025 Hopkins Aftermarket Catalog
P. 145

                         EXTENDS FROM                    " 35                     Assorted
                       Colors      "                EXTENDS FROM  "
                                                           TO 35
                                TO 35
                            26  "     HEAD PIVOTS     26               HEAD PIVOTS 0  Colors  EXTENDS FROM  "
                                                                                              TO 35
                                                                       HEAD PIVOTS
                                                               Assorted                   23
                                     8.5" head                         8" head                           13.5" head
             35" Mini Snow Plow  Snowbroom      35" Mini Pivot Telebroom ™       35" Mini Arctic Plow With Grip
             •Wide 8.5" sweeping area with tall head  •Extends from 26" to 35" to provide  •Clears deep and heavy snow
                                                 a longer reach
             •EVA foam squeegee clears light frost and                           •No-scratch 13.5" foam head
              water without scratching paint    •Pivoting broom head also features a   •Long reach – yet small enough
             •Twist-Lock™ extender easily locks into   rubber squeegee            to store in any vehicle
              desired length                    •Barrel-lock allows for secure   18849 - 8 pcs. Open Stock
             3512PBT - 12 pcs. Open Stock        extension
                                                580-EP - 6 pcs. Open Stock
                                                F15-580-EP - 15 pcs. Floor Display
                                                S12-580-EP - 12 pcs. Tray Pack
                   EXTENDS FROM  "                  EXTENDS FROM  "
                                                        " 40
                       " 36
                     23   TO                          21

                                                         AL PIN E G EA R
                                                         PERF ORMANCE F OLDING T OOL S
                                     8" head                          Folding lock
              36" Mini Extender Snowbroom       ALPINE GEAR 40" Folding Snowbrush  37" MAXX-Force  Snowbrush
              •Extends from 23" to 36" to provide  •Power Pivot™ Folding lock folds compact   •MAXX-Force™ o set ice chippers
               a longer reach                    for easy storage                 easily cut through thick ice
              •Barrel-lock allows for quick and easy  •Super duty construction   •Curved pole keeps hands out of the
               length adjustments               •Compact brush on the shelf that still   snow and makes removal easier
              •Perfect for small to mid-size vehicles  provides desired long reach  •XL brush head to clear deep snow
              511-E - 10 pcs. Open Stock        •40 inch long reach, compacts down to 21   14135 - 12 pcs. Tray Pack
              F16-511-E - 16 pcs. Floor Display  inches for easy storage
              S16-511-E - 16 pcs. Tray Pack     14415 - 12 pcs. Open Stock
                                                14416 - 12 pcs. Tray Pack

                     EXTENDS FROM  "                EXTENDS FROM  "
                           TO 44
                                                          TO 42
                       34  "                          32  "


              44" POWER-Force  Telescopic       42" Ice Chisel  Telescopic Snowbrush
              Snowbrush                         •Ice Chisel® scraper with 2-blades-in-1, ice
                                                 chipping plus frost removal
              •POWER-Force™ ice chippers easily cut
               through thick ice                •Twist-Lock™ extender easily locks into                                WINTER TOOLS
              •Twist-Lock™ extension provides long   desired length
               reach from 34" to 44"            •Improved thicker brush head
              •Thick brush head for snow removal  13054 - 12 pcs. Open Stock
                                                13059 - 12 pcs. Tray Pack
              13060 - 12 pcs. Tray Pack
              DS60-13060 - 60 pcs. Floor Display  109-13056- 60pcs Floor Display
   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150