Page 164 - 2025 Hopkins Aftermarket Catalog
P. 164


         Fastest growing segment within “fill” products

            QuickFill Series funnels
            drive consumer satisfaction
            with performance features
            that DIYers value


                               The diversity of the FloTool funnel lineup is proven in
                             delivering step-up opportunities and comp store growth

            High-Performance         Task-Specifi  c             Multi-Purpose            Basic Series
            The ultimate funnel design puts   FloTool  continues to be the leader in   Our multi-purpose funnels include   The FloTool® Basic Series of funnels
            best-in-class features to work to   developing high margin funnels that   unique step-up features such as the   provide essential fl uid handling
            help the DIYer get the job done   are specifi c to certain tasks, making   “no-mess” splash guard, bottle rests   benefi ts at a value. Typically
            quickly and easily. Our high-  fl uid handling easier for the consumer.   and fl exible spouts to get to hard   purchased by the budget-oriented
            performance funnels include   These include measuring and mixing,   to reach fi ller holes. These middle   consumer for smaller engine
            “no-mess” splash guards, easy   gasoline control, diesel exhaust fl uid,   price point items are key to product   applications and general tasks, these
            grip hand holds, speed channels   transmission fl uid and more. Task   differentiation, offering balance and   funnels play a pivotal role in any
            and wide spout openings for high   specifi c products generate increased   fl exibility in your planogram  “Good – Better – Best” product and
            speed pouring. These funnels set   revenue for you and higher satisfaction   pricing strategy
            the standard for fl uid handling   for the consumer

     FLUID MANAGEMENT  Giant QuickFill Funnel  Super QuickFill  Funnel            QuickFill  Funnel

                                              • Designed to hold one quart bottles
            • Designed to hold large volume bottles
                                                                                  • Speed channels maximize flow rate
                                              • Built-in hand hold for a better grip
            • Built-in hand hold for a better grip
                                                                                  • Distinct hand hold for a better grip
                                              • Extra wide neck for high-speed pouring
                                                                                  • No-mess splash guard
            • Filter screen included
                                              • No-mess splash guard
            • No-mess splash guard
                                                                                  10718 - 10 pcs. Cut Case
            • 8¾    wide x 12¼ " tall

                                                                                  10718WR - 12 pcs. Off Shelf/Wire Ring
                                              05062MI - 12 pcs. Open Stock
                                              05062PDQMI - 12 pcs. Cut Case
                                                                                  10718B/24 - 24 pcs. Open Stock
            10705 - 6 pcs. Cut Case
  164                                                                                  800-524-1458
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