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(800) 524-1458 / Emporia, KS
(800) 527-3465 / Torrance, CA
Fax: (800) 444-6779
428 Peyton Street, P.O. Box 1157
Emporia, Kansas 66801-1157 (620) 342-7320 |
The following list of product names and brands are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Hopkins Manufacturing
Corporation unless otherwise noted, All rights reserved: Hopkins , the Hopkins logo, The Image of Difference , Hopkins
Towing Solutions and logo, Juice Performance and the Juice logo, GoGear and the GoGear logo, FloTool and the FloTool
logo, nVISION and the nVISION logo, SubZero and the SubZero logo, Mallory and the Mallory logo, Cool Snow Tool , 2x4
Basics and the 2X4 Basics Logo, Brake Buddy , Carrand and the Carrand Logo, Dial & Spray , Trigger-Jet , Sof-Tools , Tuf-
Spot Wash Mitt, Drip-Stop Drying Towel, Clean-Seam Polishing Towel, Dust-off Detailing Towel, Design, Smart Nozzle ,
AutoSpa , Auto-Vac , Flow-Thru , Suds-N-Go , Dip-N-Brush , Gator Skin , Grip-Tech , Tuf-Scrub Sponge, Wash-Jet ™
Powerwand, The Gripper , Spillmaster , Storagemaster , Drink-N-Go , Back of Seat Organizer , Center Seat Organizer , Tower
Organizer , Console Plus Organizer , Compact Plus Organizer , Cargo Handler , Back of Seat Plus Organizer , Side of Seat
Organizer , Storagemaster , Cargo Organizer , Cargo Carrier Organizer , Tall Pop-Up Trash Can , Pop-Up Trash Can , Space
Saver Trash Can , Tru-Fit , QuickCling Pop Up Side Shade, Corner QuickCling Pop Up Side Shade, Ice Ripper Scraper, Ice
Chisel Scraper, Klondike Ice Scraper, Bear Claw , Talon Ice Scraper, Ice Crusher Scraper, Frostbiter Ice Scraper,
Avalanche Snowbrush, Ice Hammer Snowbrush, Polar Vortex , Duo-Grip Snowbrush, Monster Swivel Snowbroom, Quick
Lock Pivoting Snowbroom, Arctic Plow , ArcticGuard , HotSpot , Cinch-Lock Technology, SafeGuard , Ultimate Power ,
Ultra Power , High Power , Standard Power, Telebroom , Quick Fill , On/Off Spout , Spill Saver Measu-Funnel , Multi-Task
5-in-1 Funnel , Gas Gauge Funnel , Radiator Funnel , Locking Oil Funnel , Flex Funnel , Quickfill Funnel , Super QuickFill ®
Funnel, Giant Quickfill Funnel, Super Multi-Purpose Funnel , Big Mouth Funnel , Utility Funnel , Tight Spot Funnel , No Spill Oil
Spout , No Spills, No Mess! , Super Flexi-Spout , Shaker Siphon , Super Siphon , Economy Siphon , Multi-Purpose Transfer
Pump , The MixMaster Injector, Universal Drain Plug Wrench , Jaw Style Oil Filter Wrench , Perfect Tight Oil Filter Wrench ,
Perfect Tight Adapter , 7 Quart Heavy-Duty Oil Drain Pan , Tighten Until it CLICKS , Mr. Funnel , Capless Gas Tank Funnel ,
FloTool High Performance Absorbent , 24 Quart Drain Container , 58 Quart Drain Container , RhinoGear , RhinoRamps ,
RhinoRamps Max , Heavy Duty Wheel Chocks , Heavy Duty Chock and Block , Hand-E Hauler , Dispos-Oil , Back-Up Alert ,
SmartZone , Trailblazer Electronic Deer Alert , Make It Any Size , Dekmate , AnySize Chair , AnySize Table , Flip-Top Table ,
ShelfLinks , Pro Brackets , StudTrack , The Smarter And Fresher Choice , Bell Automotive Products and the BELL Automotive
Logo, "Enjoy your ride!" , Bellaire , MonkeyGrip and the MonkeyGrip Logo, "Nothing Grips Like the Monkey!" , Victor , the
Victor Logo and "King of the road!" ,Genuine Victor , the Genuine Victor Logo, Tight-Spot , Scrub-Tuf , ClearView , OutShine ,
Multi-Purpose Cleaning Wipes , Tanner’s Select , the Tanner’s Select logo, HyperFIT , HyperFLEX , QuickDRIVE , QuickDRIVE
PRO , QuickFIX , QuickDRIVE MAXX , SmartTIP , SmartSTOP , SmartSTOP Outdoor , AutoSTOP , AutoSTOP ULTRA ,
AutoSTOP OUTDOOR , HyperDRIVE , HyperDRIVE PRO , HyperDRIVE MAX , SpeedPlug , Matrix Camo , BLAZER , BLAZER
International , and the Blazer International logo, AXXENT , BAJA , vueSMART Wireless Trailer Camera , SmartHitch ,
FORCE , MAXX-Force , MAXX-Force Series , Lumax , Total Liquid Protection ™ INDEX
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