Page 177 - 2024 Hopkins Aftermarket Catalog
P. 177

Absorb More

                                                                  For Less

                  High Performance Absorbent  - 3 lbs.            FloTool® High Performance Absorbent™ can absorb
                  • Resealable bag for small spills               up to 8 times more liquid than traditional absorbents.
                  • Instant one step clean-up                     The secret is how we heat-treat our wood fibers. It

                  • Safer than traditional absorbents             makes them far more e ective than traditional clay

                  10200 - 8 pcs. Open Stock
                                                                  and diatomaceous earth products. That’s why FloTool®
                                                                  High Performance Absorbent™ is the best value for the
                                                                  consumer. Our absorbent can be used on oil, grease,
                                                                  lubricant, paint, water, and other fluids and is safe to

                                                                  use on most surfaces including concrete, blacktop,
                                                                  turf, carpet, linoleum, tile, and more.

                  High PerformanceAbsorbent  - 3 oz.
                  • Convenient trial size bag for small spills                                                         FLUID MANAGEMENT
                  • Instant one step clean-up
                  • Safer than traditional absorbents
                  10202PDQ12 - 12 pcs. Cut Case
                  10202 - 12 pcs. Off Shelf/Clip Strip
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