Page 179 - 2024 Hopkins Aftermarket Catalog
P. 179


               Top selling heads complete with
               handles make it easy for consumers
               to shop the planogram

               HEADS                                BLADE                                HANDLES
               ONLY                                 REFILLS                              ONLY

               • Thick, pliable, non-marking rubber       • 24" and 36" rubber refill blades  • 54" hardwood handle with
                 blades with industrial-grade       • Not available as a separate          tapered tip
                 stamped steel sockets                part for foam                      • 46" vinyl-coated steel handle
               • Thick foam blades with                                                    with grip
                 zinc-plated steel heads and
                 adjustable handle socket                                                • 54" vinyl-coated steel
                                                                                           handle with grip and plastic
                                                                                           threaded tip

                            BLADE REFILLS                                     HANDLES ONLY

                      Part #       Description           Pcs.       Part #        Description             Pcs.

                      841R-24      24" Red               10 pcs.

                                                                    116           54" Wooden Handles      10 pcs.

                      841R-36      36" Red               10 pcs.

                      840R-24      24" Gray              10 pcs.

                                                                    116           54" Wooden Handles      10 pcs.      FLUID MANAGEMENT

                      840R-36      36" Gray              10 pcs.

                                                                    130-46 Blue   46" Vinyl Coated Handle  10 pcs.
                                 Not Available for Foam
                                                                    154 Black     54"  Vinyl Coated  Handle  10 pcs.
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